Thursday, August 14, 2008


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i am in love with it. thinkig about it makes me very homesick..for a place that is certainly not my home but for the people who i met along my adventures there and the experiences i had that made me feel so at home.
I've been re-adjusting into being in California, and had an AMAZING day today at the beach with some of my best friends. i actually went in the water, which is a rarity, with my friend jasmine and that was excellent...and not too cold! I fell asleep reading Eclipse and stayed asleep for an hour or so before a delicious dinner at the beach house and then ghirardelli shakes for dessert.

im completely out of the habit of posting outfits, but i'm going to try really hard to get back into it. i promise! i missed home! its good to be back.


Richel said...

I'm glad you had such a fun time in India. I'm going to visit my relatives there soon! I can't wait to see what fabulous treasures I can find.

;) said...

omg! india = its my dream to go there!! lucky you ;) im now in long have u been in india? :)

( /kate:)

emily said...

awww, i want to go to india! i'm jealous!