Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stripes and Florals


Yesterday, in COSTUME (just so you know) for my play.  I loved my flower petal skirt too much to not post it!



Lauren said...

coolest costume ever!!! i just spent all yesterday trying on costumes for a musical im in

Jillian Hobbs said...

haha omg that flowerd skirt is TOO COOL! i know it's just a costume but it's sooo neat!

Annabel said...

haha, i wish so badly that i could wear it out!

Anonymous said...

oh my god, that skirt is amazing! I wish you could incorporate it into your daily wear, but then again, the world is probably not yet ready for it!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I went a little deeper into your blog and must say I love it! Be sure I have my eye on this!

Fruchtzwerg said...

ahhh the skirt, perfection!

Anonymous said...
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Debbie said...

Haha that skirt is cute. I like ur shirt too... It reminded me of peter pan because of the leaves and floral theme.

Libbi said...

Wow,did u make the skirt, It looks a bit like the pixies outfits from a midsummers nights dream! Theres a pixie/fairy called Puk, U look like her!